Physiological Monitoring With #TeamEPP

Physiological Monitoring includes the regular gathering of data with several purposes:

  1. Monitor Training Loads / Load Management for optimal adaptation

  2. Identify time frames for optimal training and performance

  3. Identify strategies to minimize fatigue / injury risk

A list of what we monitor:

  1. Extrinsic Quantitative (Measured Physical Data)

    1. Grip Strength

    2. Jump Height

    3. Heart Rate Variability (HRV)

    4. Time to Stabilization

    5. Force Production (Intensity)

    6. Volume

    7. Performance Variables

    8. Sleep

  2. Extrinsic Qualitative (Graded Training / Performance Quality from Coach)

    1. How was training / competition in regards to expectations?

  3. Intrinsic Quantitative (Self-Report Wellness Questionnaire)

    1. Fatigue

    2. Training Intensity

    3. Physical Health

    4. Psycho-emotional Health

  4. Intrinsic Qualitative (Graded Training / Performance Quality from Athlete)

    1. How was training / competition in regards to expectations?

Using leading indicators and fast responding trailing indicators,

our intention is to give information to the athlete and coaching staff to

help them execute their best training and competition strategies.