our companies

Gastown Physio & Pilates

Gastown Massage Therapy

City Hall Massage Therapy

Empowering Performance - Sport Sciences

Peak Performance


Sport Science

Reach your potential and perform your best when it matters most.


Strength and Conditioning

The Art and Science of Movement stimulates the body to adapt, and recovery provides optimal adaptation. The Science of Exercise Prescription allows the body to: Prepare for Training, Load for Capacity and Tolerance, Prime for Performance, and Rest for Recovery. The Art of Movement requires dedication in the realms of strength, speed, power, agility, anaerobic capacity, aerobic capacity, mobility, balance and coordination, mental resilience, and stability.


Injury Risk Management

Clinical history, biomechanical movement analysis with Force Plates and video provide insight into risk factors that you can manage before they affect Performance.



Whether you are recovering from surgery, a major injury, or trying to return to full capacity after a set-back, we use Exercise as Medicine to bring you safely back. Our goal is to maximize the Rehabilitation period and find you performing even better than before the injury.


Blood Flow Restriction (B.F.R)

Using the real Medical Science of doppler guided surgical grade tourniquets, we leave the risky use of cutting circulation off with rubber bands in the gutters of pseudo-science. BFR helps build muscle when you can’t load the joints, it helps optimize recovery after training, and it helps develop capacity and tolerance in your metabolic pathways.

Concussion Management

The cascade of cardiac, neural, muscular, and whiplash associated dysfunctions contribute to post-concussion syndrome. Successful management requires acute management, measured introduction to exercise, manual therapy, vestibular and visual rehabilitation, and experienced management to protect an Athlete’s brain first, and return to sport second.

Load Management

In combination with Physiological Monitoring, measuring your dose response to training and competition requires quantifying the amount of load. We determine this as a balance of your perceived exertion, and quantified activity.

Physiological Monitoring

Your response to training and competition, particularly your ability to super-adapt during recovery, can be maximized by monitoring several of your body’s reactions, including Heart Rate Variability, Upper Respiratory Tract Infections, muscular strength and power, and others. If you are waiting for injury or poor performance to say you have done too much, you are already falling behind.


We use a variety of state of the art devices to motivate training, and measure progress. Virtual Reality, Force Plates, FitLight, Stroboscopic Glasses, Video Analysis, Artificial Intelligence, Video Games… we are always looking for the right tools at the right time to give you an edge.